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Ethan Nadelmann, DPA

Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), an organization that works to end the war on drugs, addresses the audience. Part 1 of 5:

Mario Menendez, !Por Esto! Newspaper

Mario Menendez is the publisher of the Yucatan's newspaper !Por Esto! He was sued in New York City along with Narco News' Al Giordano, for libel in what now is considered the famous "Drug War on Trial" case. Part 1 of 5:

Luis Paulo Guanabara, Psico-Tropicus

Luis Paulo Guanabara is the founder and director of Psico-Tropicus, a harm reduction and anti-prohibitionist organization based in Brazil. He is a Brazilian pioneer in integrating the principles of harm reduction with psychotherapy for drug users.